Summer 2022

53 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022 USE NEWMATERIALS FOR OLD PRODUCTS Nine years ago, in 2021, I saw the emergence of more and more environmental damage and environmental instability. In Texas, I experienced a snowstorm and power outages firsthand — something we never thought could happen in that part of the world. 2021 also happened to be the first year that our company committed to becoming more eco-friendly by launching products made with sustainable latex and bamboo materials. We wanted to ensure that we were doing our best to help the world heal, or at least not contribute any further to its harm. We started with a mission of eliminating harsh chemicals found in typical memory foam mattresses and moved on to sourcing all-natural and sustainable materials like Talalay latex, organic cotton and wool, and recycled steel coils. Now, in 2030, we see that our early efforts led the charge in creating a mattress industry committed to being eco-healthy. We also considered where our products might end up, and today’s landfills are less choked with poor-quality mattresses made of unsustainable, harmful materials. Stephen Light, co-owner, Nolah Mattress PRIVACY IS PERVASIVE—AND PRIORITIZED In light of the accelerating regulatory environment of recent years, privacy and data-centric security has reached commodity status, and the ability for consumers to protect and control sensitive data assets is viewed as the rule rather than the exception. As awareness and understanding continued to build, so did the prevalence of privacy-preserving and enhancing capabilities, namely privacy-enhancing technologies (PET). By 2025, the PET technology category had become mainstream. PET is now a foundational element of enterprise privacy, and security strategies rather than an add-on integrated component that only meets a minimum compliance threshold. While the world still lacks a global privacy standard, organizations have embraced a datacentric approach to security that provides the flexibility necessary to adapt to regional regulations and consumer expectations. These efforts have been led by crossfunctional teams representing the data, privacy, and security interests within an organization. Ellison Anne Williams, founder and CEO, Enveil WHATWILL POWER YOUR FUTURE BUSINESS? With most countries adopting clean energy policies in 2030, many businesses have had to rethink their operation strategies. There was turbulence with the collapse of the traditional energy industries such as coal and oil. It highlighted the importance of green thinking right from the beginning of a new business venture — from design to implementation of a business, project, or industry overhaul. The resulting rejuvenation of our damaged ecosystems has led to a boom in biodiversity, tourism, biological research, and increased human health. There’s a better quality of life due to cleaner air and water. Environmental conservation costs have dropped due to widespread adoption, employee health benefits have increased, insurance premiums have fallen from less environmental risk, and energy prices have stabilized from predictable, long-term generation from green sources. The increased automation of logistics has made it easier for individuals to handle their own shipping. The use of robotics to carry out customer delivery orders has made it easier to track deliveries from the factory to the warehouse to its destination. Logistics conflicts have become quite rare and of lesser intensity because consumers have more control over their packages. Mark Surprenant, general manager, Bennet Packaging