Summer 2022

52 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022 FUTURE 2030 PUT TECHNOLOGY TOWORK SO YOU CAN FOCUS ONWHAT MATTERS I want to take you back further than the 2020s, to the 1920s, where we once experienced a different kind of technology boom: new appliances, new cars, and new music that drastically changed how society functioned. People found ways to do more and do it faster. The 1920s were roaring, and 100 years later, we did it all over again. In the 2020s, concepts like artificial intelligence became a reality for all. Technology could do the tedious tasks that kept humans chained to their desks for hours. During the great resignation, more and more people realized that they wanted to prioritize their happiness over cubicles. Working from home became the norm, using AI to boost human productivity to unimaginable levels. One example was the invention of AI copywriters that could produce original content at scale, so that small businesses and writers could compete with industry giants. As I sit here in 2030, I ask: Can you tell that what I have written here was created by a robot? Megan Apa, director, RESILIENCE WILL SUPPLANT ECONOMIES OF SCALE The new realities of a global pandemic and unstable economies in the early 2020s radically and permanently shifted consumer purchasing patterns and employee expectations. Businesses had to get smarter about where and how to win people’s trust. The physical distance between companies and employees kept increasing until 2030. Economies based on resilience increasingly supplanted economies of scale. E-commerce accelerated, resulting in goods and packages moving around more than people, and long commutes are now a thing of the past. As it turned out, focusing on greater sustainability proved to be a win for all. Technologies like AI were leveraged across most business operations. In shipping, AI vastly increased the efficiency of moving goods, measurably contributing to a business’ sustainability. Micro-service companies based on the old gig economy pivoted from serving consumers to businesses. Kirwan McHarry, CEO, Rollo