Julie Davitz, Plus Media Solutions

Organizational A liations of the Winners YPO 43 24 1% For The Planet 132 B Corp 16 Entrepreneurs Organization 36 Real Leaders Impact Collaborative 26 UN Global Compact 16 American Sustainable Business Council 10 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SPRING 2023 REAL LEADERS IMPACT AWARDS 2023 18. FUELCELL ENERGY FuelCell Energy has a vision to develop and deploy its technologies to empower the world with clean energy. Scientists at the University College London estimated in 2015 that globally, a third of oil reserves, half of the gas reserves, and over 80% of current coal reserves must remain unused between 2010 to 2050 to meet the target of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. The fuel cells by FuelCell Energy can produce low-carbon energy, capture carbon dioxide, and produce hydrogen. Its technology takes the electricity made by wind and solar, and stores it as hydrogen like a battery, which is used later at any time of day — regardless of the weather. "Collaborative leadership starts with building trust," says CEO Jason Few. "A cornerstone of that is operating with a high 'say/do' ratio, meaning that when you say you'll do something, you do. The best performing teams establish trust as well as the psychological safety to be candid when things go off course. I’ve found that these teams believe they will never lose alone. My biggest leadership barrier was getting the team aligned around a growth strategy when I joined as CEO in 2019. We created a vision and aligned on actions to stabilize the company; something we called the Powerhouse Business Strategy. We also created our 'why,' which we crafted as: 'To enable a world empowered by clean energy.' We needed to add oxygen to a clear purpose, and I believed that if we could tap into hearts and minds and generate a passionate urgency, we could help change the world with our technology." www.FuelCellEnergy.com “I try to spend time with people outside of work who add to my life and whose lives I can add to. Warren Buffet has been quoted as saying, 'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' I want my average to be amazing.” — Jason Few, CEO, FuelCell Energy 1. Fortescue 2. Schneider Electric 3. Powur 4. Vestas Wind Systems 5. Orsted 6. Generate Capital 7. Brookfield Renewable Partners 8. Enphase Energy 9. American Water 10. First Solar 11. Sunrun 12. SunPower 13. Ormat Technologies 14. MCE 15. Scale Microgrid Solutions 16. NEI 17. LGCY Power 18. FuelCell Energy 19. Facilities Management Service 20. VivoPower International 21. Sunwealth 22. BlueWave 23. Ocean Power Technologies 24. Save Energy Systems 25. Tree-Mendous Aerial Adventures 26. Quartz Water Source CONSTRUCTION, ENERGY, & FACILITIES