Summer 2022

8 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022 Do you ever wonder why all businesses are not purpose-driven? When I was asked recently, “What’s missing in the impact movement?” I replied with two words: Impact and Collaboration. Impact Many purpose-driven leaders are working hard in small and midsize companies that are doing great work and generating innovative solutions on issues that matter, but they can have limited impact due to their scale. Those that embrace the value of the human connection with other mission-aligned leaders are able to accelerate their impact and solve big problems. XPRIZE founder, Peter Diamandis, has some great examples of this approach on page 38. Collaboration The benefits of collaborating within a confidential setting, with other purpose-driven leaders, have been demonstrated in the general business community where this ecosystem has existed for over seven decades. Shared experiences, contacts, capital sources, and best practices produce collective wisdom that can produce exponential results. The concept of “ten heads are better than one” focused around sustainability and social impact is a game-changer because it can alter the pace, trajectory and results of an outcome. This really matters when you’re an impact business dealing with a world full of big challenges. No longer are those leaders, who are only working in their silos, going to be as effective. Many business leaders are seeing the value (and the profits) of how their “pain points’’ can be addressed and potentially turned into new ideas that can be leveraged through collaborative thinking. I have been fortunate to have witnessed this transformative process at Real Leaders, through our EVER WONDER WHY? Are You Purpose-Driven? “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” — JohnF. Kennedy Impact Collaborative; it has been so inspiring to see the power of collaboration to support impact leaders as they assess opportunities and face new challenges. This is a critical part of the impact ecosystem that is now supplementing our members’ general business groups and trade associations. Support systems that help give helpful direction are so powerful and are the future of healthy businesses for a healthier world. MBA coach Ruchira Chaudhary, shares the findings of an amazing study on page 22, that highlights the importance of effective collaboration, that can sometimes mean life or death. On a more intimate level, here’s an interesting challenge to you… watch what happens when you test the value of collaboration and impact within your own family, community or business by asking one question… “Is there a meaningful project, which has importance to you and that will bring you some happiness, that you’d like me to help you with?” Then watch what happens. After the typical funny replies and suspicions that may follow, stay firm and let them know that you’re serious and they can think about it and tell you by the end of the day. What can happen is really mind blowing! There will be those who are self-oriented, group focused or simply appreciative that you’re taking interest in them. That’s the collaboration part. Then the impact part kicks in, since a task is requested, and it creates a shared impact opportunity – it has expanded beyond one person. This is the critical moment towards discussing purpose and direction on how to best accomplish the task. You’re now collaborating towards something good because a path appears. Now reverse roles and repeat. Imagine what this could do at scale? . Julie VanNess, CEO The Real Leaders Impact Collaborative