Summer 2022

62 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022 CEO SUCCESS By Radha Vyas How to Lose andWin Back a $55Million Business—Without Losing Your Mind I’VE ALWAYS ACTED ON IMPULSE TO TAKE ME TO THE NEXT CHAPTER IN LIFE – WHETHER THAT’S LIVING ABROAD IN SANTIAGO, CHILE, OR STARTING A BUSINESS ON THE BACK OF A FIRST DATE. We tend to second-guess that gut instinct that tells us what we want to do, but for me, it’s like a beam from a lighthouse. You simply can’t ignore it. Let’s start with the date: After a few drinks, intuition told me to share my idea for a group adventure company for people in their 30s and 40s with my companion (now husband) Lee. The same innate spark drove us to research and develop the business model, launching Flash Pack one year later. The first fewmonths of our relationship were spent at trade shows, and we both took an infinite leap of faith by investing money together. We just knew that Flash Pack was the right idea at the right time. When we arrived on the travel market in