Summer 2022

FUTURE 2030 MIX ANDMATCH YOUR TEAMS FROM A GLOBAL TALENT POOL Team members have become even more flexible and diverse. Industries have transitioned away from a mostly permanent employment base and adopted a more diverse, global workforce. The tremendous increase in gig workers over the last decade has sparked considerable debate. However, this kind of employment has become more popular, particularly among younger employees who manage multiple projects thereby broadening their skills and experience. Business owners that hire many freelance contractors and gig workers have found themselves facing increased complexity — notably in the areas of compliance and workforce management. On the other hand, companies have gained from hiring the appropriate individuals for projects as and when needed, allowing them to operate with more agility and flexibility — two crucial characteristics in an age of continual digital upheaval. Jeff Mains, CEO, Champion Leadership Group INVEST IN MENTAL HEALTH TO PREPARE EMPLOYEES FOR THE SHOCK OF THE NEW As an impact leader in the new decade of technological dominance, we owe most of our success to leaders who worked hard to make it possible in the 2020s. The focus in the 2020s was mental health and innovative solutions for our workplaces. The idea was that workers with a healthy mindset would work harder and promote positive activities that counter any actions destructive to our environment. Fostering empathy among employees translated into compassion for the well-being of our planet. Furthermore, pushing innovation that usually results in stressful change for most employees was offset by the emotional care we gave employees to help them cope and succeed. Adapting to the technological revolution of the 2020s required our employees to sync with new and improved solutions. We offered our staff automated tools and project management applications to stay on track. Improving employees’ mental health to prepare them for the technological revolution was an investment in my company’s future. Alan Duncan, founder, Solar Panels Network 55 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022