Summer 2022

24 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2022 LEADERSHIP 1. Use OutlawWisdom to Elevate Your Life — MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY, ACADEMY AWARDWINNING ACTOR “I’m all for writing the headline first and living the story toward the headline, which is a form of goal setting. Write that damn headline first, and then let’s live our story toward that goal. But usually, when we get there, the headline has changed a little bit. When you’re on your way to your goal, don’t give yourself a narrow one-lane highway to get there. Just pick out your general direction, what your general idea of what that goal is going to be. In highway terms, pick out if you’re going north, south, east, or west. And then give yourself a 16-lane Autobahn. You can weave all through those lanes, take an exit anytime, and be inspired along the way.” Some of the world’s leading business minds share 15 easy-to-share insights from conversations that will elevate your professional life, relationships, and impact. By Beri Meric 2. Take Risks, Break Barriers, and Create Success on Your Terms — SHELLYE ARCHAMBEAU, ONE OF TECH’S FIRST FEMALE AFRICANAMERICAN CEOS “At the end of the day, setting goals, making plans to achieve the goals, and then making decisions every day consistent with the plan is how you unlock the power. Most people do not do that. And then they wake up, and they’re 38, 45, 52. And they’re like, ‘I’m just not where I thought I would be.’ Well, it’s not a surprise because you weren’t intentional about setting a plan that had timelines and then making decisions to keep yourself on track and pivoting when you hit the roadblock or hurdle. So set a goal, make a plan, and then make decisions consistent with that plan every day.” 15 Amazing Leadership Insights “WELL, NO RISK, NO REWARD, NO INNOVATION, NO BREAKTHROUGHS, NO NOTHING — THAT’S WHAT’S BAD. YOU’VE GOT TO EMBRACE RISK AND TAKE THOSE BIG SWINGS.” — MICHAEL DELL